The customer’s goal was the digitalization of slow paper based processes. Thanks to our Hybrid App based on React.js the workflow is now digital and 20 times faster and way cheaper. 50 employees are using the app every day. The estimated time and cost savings are minimum $300,000 per year.

digitalization of paper based processes

Industry: Automotive

Company size: > 100,000

Customer: Mercedes Benz


In the manufacturing business missing parts are continously delivered to the workers to prevent a stop of the production lines. This would delay delivery times and come with additional costs and unsatisfied customers. In the past the employees of the customer spent countless hours on filling out paper forms, sending them to a different department inhouse via fax. Next the forms where manually evaluated and a person typed the order details manually into an Excel sheet. This process was slow, expensive and error-prone.


To lift this outdated process to the digital world, Alphaquant developed an app based on React.js. It is server based and running on any smartphones or webbrowser of the logistics workers. The workers in the production lines can place their orders for short term needs now fast and efficient. The order is immediately visible for the receiver who can process it by the provided priority.


The digitalization of processes made the use of paper forms superfluous.This new digital order process lead to a huge productivity increase and cost savings. Orders don’t have to be re-entered from paper forms into another system. A summary of all orders is available at the end of a month and statistics are available in real-time at all times without additional effort to generate reports.


React.js, node.js, DB2, SQL, HTML, CSS, Restful API, Git, Docker